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Gladstone Primary Academy

The Academy Day

The timings of the academy day are slightly different on each site, to allow parents to drop off and pick up children at both sites.

Drop-off times can be very busy, especially if you are driving to school. We ask parents to park responsibly and respect the yellow zig-zag lines outside each site. These restrictions help keep all children safe. There is a large car park next to the Bourges Boulevard site, and it is easier to park here and walk your child to the school gates.

Timing of the school day:

Gladstone Street Site
(Reception and Year 1)

Start of the day

Gates open 8:35 am
Gates close 8:45 am

End of the day

Gates open 2:55 pm

Total time 31 hours and 15 minutes per week*

Bourges Boulevard Site
(Years 2 to 6) 

Start of the day

Gates open 8:50 am
Gates close 9:00 am

End of the day

Gates open at 3:15 pm

Total time 32 hours and 05 minutes per week*

Children arriving after the gates have closed are late and are missing learning time.

*The Academy is working towards the expectation that all schools should deliver a school week of at least 32.5 hours from September 2024.  Start times on the Bourges Boulevard site will move to 8:45 am, giving a total time of 32.5 hours over a week.