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Gladstone Primary Academy

Welcome to Year 3

Year 3 is the first year in Key Stage 2. Our Year 3 children are based on the Bourges Boulevard site. This is an important year as children apply their learning from Key Stage 1 in different contexts, whilst learning lots of new and exciting knowledge.

Children in Year 3 are 7 and 8 years old.

In Year 3 there are 3 classes:


3T - Mrs Turner

3W - Mr Whybrow

Children are taught in groups for Power Maths and Power English; these groups may change depending on your child's achievements and next step in learning.  Children stay with their class teacher for other curriculum subjects.  

Typical Day's Timetable

8.45 School gates open and children come into their classroom. In class, children will select their lunch and be involved in early morning activities like reading and handwriting practise.
8.55 Register.  
9.00 Power English and Power Phonics Groups
10.00 Breaktime
10.15 Specialist Teacher Curriculum; PE, Music or Spanish
11.00 Power Maths Groups
12.00 Lunchtime


Other curriculum subjects will be taught across the week.  These subjects will include; Personal Social and Health Education, Geography, History, Art, Computing, Science and Religious Education. Design and Technology is taught during an enrichment week, alongside many other exciting opportunities for children.


We have three assemblies a week. On a Monday and a Friday, we meet as the whole academy at 1.45pm. On a Wednesday, we meet as a phase with our friends in Years 2 and 4.

3.15 End of school day for Year 3

Physical Education

Children have two P.E. lessons per week and need to have a change of clothing to put on during these lessons.  In a named bag they should have:

  • A T- shirt (and a sweatshirt in the winter)
  • Shorts or jogging bottoms                                              
  • Trainers

We advise that children keep their P.E. clothes in school all week as sometimes we have to change the day of the lesson. Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday.

Home Learning


Children in year 3 are expected to read for at least 15 minutes a day. This can be their reading book, library book or another appropriate book.  They need to ensure their reading record is filled in every day and an adult signs to say they have read at home.  The expectation is the children read at least 6 days in a week.

Children in year 3 are also expected to practice their times tables for 15 minutes a day.  They have a login to Times Tables Rock Stars and can use this as part of practising their times tables.  We also have a weekly test in school and the children earn certificates for knowing their times tables.   Times Tables Rock Stars

They have their own login to Bedrock Vocabulary, a site that helps the children develop a wider vocabulary through different activities.  The children are expected to spend at least 20 minutes twice a week on Bedrock.  Bedrock Vocabulary

Their Maths and English teachers might also set them additional homework related to the learning they have been doing in school.


Year 3 follow the National Curriculum. English and Maths are focussed on securing basic skills in Reading, Writing, and Maths


  • I can read a wide range of books including fairy stories, myths and legends and retell them
  • I can work out what a character in a book is feeling by the actions they take and explain how I know
  • I can predict what might happen from clues in what I have read
  • I can use nonfiction texts to find out information on a subject


  • I can draft and write descriptive work that creates settings, characters and plots
  • I can proof read my work by reading aloud and putting in full stops. I can also add commas, question marks and speech marks where needed
  • I can understand when to use ‘a’ or ‘an’ in front of a word
  • I can use headings and sub-headings


  • I can add and subtract numbers in my head, including a three digit number and ones, tens or hundreds
  • I can recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 times tables
  • I can count up and down in tenths
  • I can identify and show equivalent fractions
  • I can measure, compare, add and subtract lengths, mass, volume and capacity
  • I can tell the time on a clock face
  • I can spot right angles
  • I can interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables

The rest of the curriculum is taught through thematic topics for each subject.

  Autumn Spring Summer

Forces & Magnetism


Animals including Humans






Europe - Spain

Land Use




Stone Age


Iron Age








Learning from Religion -


Learning from Religion -

Life in Peterborough



Tests and Examinations

There are no national tests or examinations in Year 3. However, children are regularly assessed and tested to help teachers to decide what children need to learn next. They also need to practise their times tables ready for the test in Year 4.

Reading is a very important skill and we encourage the children to read as much as possible.  Here is a tip from Stephen Fry on a quick and easy way to further the opportunities your child has to read.


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Below are some free online ebooks your child can download and read at home.