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Gladstone Primary Academy

Welcome to Year 4

In Year 4, we believe in the power of learning!   We enjoy exploring, discovering and bringing our learning to life. As we progress through Key Stage 2, we think more deeply about our learning and try to apply our knowledge into different contexts.

In Year 4 there are 2 classes.

4P - Mrs Pipe

4B - Mr Berry

4S - Miss Shoaib

Children are taught in groups for Power Maths and Power English; these groups may change depending on your child's achievements and next step in learning.  Children stay with their class teacher for other curriculum subjects.  

Typical Day's Timetable

8.45 School gates open and children come into their classroom. In class, children will select their lunch and be involved in early morning activities like reading and handwriting practise.
8.55 Register.  
9.00 Power English and Power Phonics Groups
10.00 Breaktime
10.15 Specialist Teacher Curriculum; PE, Music or Spanish
11.15 Power Maths Groups
12.00 Lunchtime

Other curriculum subjects will be taught across the week.  These subjects will include; Personal Social and Health Education, Geography, History, Art, Computing, Science and Religious Education. Design and Technology is taught during an enrichment week, alongside many other exciting opportunities for children.


We have three assemblies a week. On a Monday and a Friday, we meet as the whole academy at 1.45am. On a Wednesday, we meet as a phase with our friends in Years 3 and 4.

3.15 End of school day for Year 4

Physical Education

Children have two P.E. lessons per week and need to have a change of clothing to put on during these lessons.  In a named bag they should have:

  • A T- shirt (and a sweatshirt in the winter)
  • Shorts or jogging bottoms                                              
  • Trainers

We advise that children keep their P.E. clothes in school all week as sometimes we have to change the day of the lesson. Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.

Home Learning

As part of our Reading Agreement with families, children in Year 4 will have a reading book that they bring home every day. They are expected to spend 10 to 15 minutes every day reading and sharing the book with someone. Families - please make sure you sign your child's reading record and return it to school everyday. Once they have read the book they should talk about what they have read. This could include -  identifying the main events in the story and making links to their own experiences. Children need to re-read the same book over a few days to help build up their fluency and understanding of the text.




  • Read aloud and understand words based on knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes
  • Retell some fairy tales or traditional tales orally
  • Identify themes and conventions in a range of books
  • Perform plays and poetry aloud using intonation, tone, volume and action
  • Use dictionaries to check the meanings of words
  • Check that a text makes sense, including explaining the meaning of words in context
  • Draw inferences about feelings thoughts and motives, using evidence
  • Discuss words and phrases which capture the reader's interest
  • Identify how structure and presentation contribute to meaning
  • Retrieve and record information from non-fiction texts


  • Spell words which are often misspelt from the Y3-4 list
  • Use appropriate handwriting joins
  • Adopt the features of existing texts to shape own writing
  • Build sentences with varied vocabulary and structures
  • Organise paragraphs around a theme
  • Develop detail of characters, settings and plot in narratives
  • Proofread own work for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors
  • Read aloud using appropriate intonation, tone and volume
  • Use a range of conjunctions to extend sentences with more than one clause
  • Choose nouns and pronouns for clarity and cohesion
  • Use conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to express time, cause & place
  • Use fronted adverbials
  • Understand the difference between plural and possessive '-s'
  • Recognise and use standard English verb inflections
  • Use and punctuate direct speech correctly


  • Count backwards through zero, including negative numbers
  • Recognise place value in four-digit numbers
  • Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
  • Know tables up to 12 × 12
  • Use short multiplication method
  • Recognise and write decimal equivalents to ¼, ½ and ¾
  • Divide one- or two-digit numbers by 10 and 100, using tenths and hundredths
  • Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number
  • Compare numbers up to two decimal places
  • Convert between different units of metric measurement, including money and time
  • Find the area of shapes
  • Compare and classify shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles
  • Describe positions and translations on a 2-D grid using co-ordinates
  • Interpret and present discrete and continuous data on appropriate graphs